Senin, 21 November 2016

Soal Latihan UTS Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017

Sahabat guru bahasa inggris, apa kabar? admin doakan semoga dalam keadaan sehat walafiat dan selalu diberi kebahagiaan. sebagaimana yang kita ketahui saat ini kegiatan belajar mengajar tahun pelajaran 2016/2017 tengah berlangsung serta materi demi materi pelajaran pastinya telah diajarkan kepada siswa sehingga untuk mengetahui kemampuan peserta didik dalam menyerap materi yang diajarkan perlu kiranya para guru memberikan uji kompetensi berupa latihan Ulangan tengah Semester dalam bentuk Pilihan ganda. Nah di bawah ini ada 20 Soal yang akan admin bagikan sebagai referensi untuk membuat soal latihan Ulangan Tengah Semester (UTS) khusus untuk guru bahasa inggris kelas 7 SMP yang bisa di download atau di copy paste, kami juga menyediakan file dalam format word. Semoga bermanfaat
Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a,b,c, or d.

Text for questions no 1 -4

Hello, my name is Yuviter Pradeska
I am Thurteen years old.
Iam 1.50 Metres tall
I live at Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Desa Lubuk Raman
My Father is Mr. Sopian Hermantito
My School is SMPN 3 Rambang Dangku
I am in teh sevent year
I go to school by Bus
1. How old is Yuviter Pradeska? He is .... years old.
a. 11
b. 12
c. 13
d. 14
2. Where does he live? He lives ....? He lives ....
a. In SMPN 3 Rambang Dangku
b. at Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Desa Lubuk Raman
c. In SMPN 1 Rambang Dangku
d. at Jalan Bangau
3. How does he go to school ? He goes to School ...
a. By Bus
b. On foot
c. By Motorcycle
d. By Bocycle
4. From next text we know that the writers last name is...
a. Yuviter
b. Pradeska
c. Perly
d. Yuki

Text for questions number 5 - 8!
Dear Sendy,
Dont forget to study together in my house at 03.00 p.m. Bring Your
see you
Your classmate
5. What is the purpose of the text?
a. TO forget to study together
b. To buy a new dictionary
c. to come to the house together
d. to remind to study together
6. Where will they study together?
a. In sendy's house
b. In Andri's house
c. In the classroom
d. In the dictionary store
7. What should Sendy bring to study together? she should bring her...
a. dictionary
b. house
c. classmate
d. school
8. When will they study?
a. IN the morning
b. In the afternoon
b. In the efening
d. At night

Text for questions number 9 - 11 !
gambar soal uts bahasa inggris
9. Who is the sender of the card?
a. Arifah is
b. Sartika is
c. Mother is
d. all the friends are
10. "I am really proud of you"
The word "you" refers to...
a. Sartika
b. the teacher
c. Arifah
d. the examination
11. Why is Sartika really proud of Arifah?
a. Because arifa is her friend
b. Because Arifah gets excellent result
c. Because Sartika has the examination
d. Because Sartika is successful
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Text for questions number 12 - 14 !
gambar soal uts bahasa inggris
12. How many pens will Diana buy?
a. Two
b. Three
c. Five
d. Twenty
13. Diana can buy pens, notebooks, sharpener, pencils, and a pair of compasses in the ...
a. butcher
b. grocery
c. stationary
d. green-grocery
14. How many pairs of socks does she need? She needs... socks.
a. 1 pairs
b. 2 pairs
c. 3 pairs
d. 5 pairs
15. Don't Smoke, Please
,br>What is the purpose of the notice?
a. To ask people to buy cigarettes
b. To ask not people not to smoke
c. To ask people to bring cigarettes
d. To aks people to smoke 

Text for questions number 16 - 19 !
gambar Soal Latihan UTS Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017
16. Why should all scout members come to school?
a. To have a flag ceremony
b. To clean the school
c. To have some preparations for camping
d. to buy all equipments for camping
17. Who made the announcement? .... did
a. Mr. Sigit
b. Scout members
c. The head master
d. The school keeper
18. What should they bring to school on saturday afternoon?
a. Pens and tent
b. Pens and notebooks
c. rope and notebooks
d. Bag and tent
19. "Bring your pens and notebooks".
The underline word has similiar meaning to ...
a. take
b. put
c. have
d. buy
gambar soal bahasa inggris UTS terbaru

A: What time does Tiara go to school?

B : She goes to school at...
a. Six o'clock
b. Twenty past six
c. twenty to six
d. twenty past seven
Demikian admin bagikan contoh soal UTS SMP kelas 7 Mata Pelajaran bahasa inggris. Jika ingin file lengkap dalam bentuk words silahkan download melalui link berikut. Semoga bermanfaat, berikutnya jangan lupa download juga soal Ulangan semester gasal bahasa inggris kelas 7

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