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items in the daily life and/ orabout academic information.Understanding accurately andefficiently meanings explicitlyexpressed in short and simplewritten functional texts andessays in the forms of narratives, reports and newsitems in the daily life and/ orabout academic information.IX/2AdvertisementEducationExhibition1Given a sentence with anunderlined word,studentsfindthe meaning of the wordbased on the context.
Understandingmeanings of short andsimple writtenfunctional texts, andessays in the forms of recounts, narrativesand expositions tocommunicate with thesurroundingenvironment and/ orabout academicinformation.Understanding accurately andefficiently meanings explicitlyexpressed in short and simplewritten functional texts andessays in the forms of recounts,narratives and expositionsrelated to the surroundingenvironment and/ or aboutacademic information. VIII/2E-mailEnvironmentProblems(Socialissues)1Given ane-mail onenvironment problems,students find the topic of thetext.
Understanding accurately andefficiently meanings implicitlyexpressed in short and simplewritten functional texts andessays in the forms of recounts,narratives and expositionsrelated to the surroundingenvironment and/ or aboutacademic information. VIII/2E-mailEnvironmentProblems(Socialissues)1Given ane-mail onenvironment problems,students find implicitinformation in the text.
Understanding accurately andefficiently meanings explicitlyexpressed in short and simplewritten functional texts andessays in the forms of recounts,narratives and expositions VIII/2E-mailEnvironmentProblems(Socialissues)1Given a sentence with anunderlined word,studentsfindthe meaning of the wordbased on the context.
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related to the surroundingenvironment and/ or aboutacademic information.Understanding accurately andefficiently meanings implicitlyexpressed in short and simplewritten functional texts andessays in the forms of recounts,narratives and expositionsrelated to the surroundingenvironment and/ or aboutacademic information. VIII/2E-mailEnvironmentProblems(Socialissues)1Given a sentence with oneunderlined pronoun, thestudents find the word itrefers to in the text.
Understandingmeanings of short andsimple writtenfunctional texts, andessays in the forms of narratives, reports andnews items tocommunicate in thedaily life and/ or aboutacademic information.Understanding accurately andefficiently meanings implicitlyexpressed in short and simplewritten functional texts andessays in the forms of procedures, reports andexplanations in the daily lifeand/ or about academicinformationIX/1NarrativesBedtime story1Given a
bedtime story
,students find theimplicitthetext.
Understanding accurately andefficiently meanings explicitlyexpressed in short and simplewritten functional texts andessays in the forms of narratives, reports and newsitems in the daily life and/ orabout academic information.
1Given a
bedtime story
,students find explicitinformation in the text.
Understanding accurately andefficiently meanings implicitlyexpressed in short and simplewritten functional texts andessays in the forms of narratives, reports and newsitems in the daily life and/ or
1Given a
bedtime story
,students identify the moralvalue of the story.
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about academic information.
Expressing meaningsin short and simplewritten functionaltexts, and essays inthe forms of narratives, reports andnews items tocommunicate in thedaily life and/ or aboutacademic information.Expressing meanings accurately,coherently and acceptably inshort and simple essays in theforms of narratives, reports andnews items to communicate inthe daily life and/ or aboutacademic information.
ExplanationEnvironment1Given a paragraph of a reporttext with four words missing,students complete it with anappropriate 56) adjective,57)verb, and58) adverb.565758
Expressing meaningsin short and simplewritten functionaltexts, and essays inthe forms of narratives, reports andnews items tocommunicate in thedaily life and/ or aboutacademic information.Expressing meanings accurately,coherently and acceptably inshort and simple essays in theforms of narratives, reports andnews items to communicate inthe daily life and/ or aboutacademic information.
ReportEnvironment1Given eightjumbled words,students find the correctarrangement.59
Expressing meaningsin short and simplewritten functionaltexts, and essays inthe forms of procedures, reportsand explanations tocommunicate in thedaily life and/ or aboutacademic information.Expressing meanings accurately,coherently and acceptably inshort and simple essays in theforms of procedures, reportsand explanations tocommunicate in the daily lifeand/ or about academicinformation.
RecountUnforgettableexperience1Given ten jumbled sentences,students find the correctarrangement.60
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